coal paperweight

coal paperweight

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This is a paperweight made out of a lump of coal hewn from the mines ruled by the ruthless Gnat King. It's very good at what it does -- which, considering what it does is be heavy and useless, isn't that impressive.

I mean, your mom's a champ at that.

🥇Bubbles and LunarTic7
🥉Adam1WPI, Mizem, Mme_Defarge, Squall Thrawn and atro_PhIEd6




#9Frenchy McFrench and Jesus4


#11Kaboobi, MickelPickel, MsNicole and Tenebrius3


#15Gulluoglu, JawG, Justinian_MS, Kalashee, Neotemplar, StuffedSandyGunfox, TeeEmEff, Teronic, Van Diemens, pHIlLyEaGleS, rhubarb18x and weka2


#27ABooRCKS123, Aaiy, Achmedkhalim, AeQUitAs, Alexfrog, Alfredo Boyardee, Alhifar, Almighty Sapling, AltrashiKurobara, Amazonian, Anesthesia, Arc9, AresGodOfWar, Arties Son, Ashles, Astin, AuntBeast, AuntieM, BabyBees, BanditoburritO, Bank of KoL, Bank of Muush, Banshee, BaronessRatsworth, Bassvamp, Bearskinrug, Becca_007, Bibicu, Big Noodle, BloodyJakeKidd, Blzbob, Boberalla, Bodhazapha, BowToChris, Bradley Morris, BranNew, Brirad, Bristelle, Bruja Hermosa, Bryce, Bug, Cappy Carl, Captain Hotdog, CarltheChemist, Cattus, Chicken in Black, Chillmoore, Chineselegolas, Cir Senam, ClaudioFratelino, Coindom Lathe, Cold Pizza, Concurrence, Corielle, Cri, Croft, CrowManyClouds, DCarlston, DJ_Tobymac, DMag, Dah Cheese, Dan Pygoscelis, Dan The Third, Danya, DarkSpuddle, DarkStickz, Darobi, DarthThaddeus, Davolta, DeDiddlyDawg, Death by Gnocchi, Deathman_Elf, DenMark, Dingo Boy, Dinosaur Dentist, Dirx, DocGonzo, Dolaq, Dori, Dorngen, Dr Danger, Dr Newdell, Dryhad, DuckApe, Dytrppr, Edir, Edmund Fitzgerald, ElVatoLoco, Elyas Machera, Emerilla, Emhgee, EmphalerFish, Enkidubious, Esk, Evanzedd, FMguru, Fegan, Fickle Fig, Forneus Brewer, ForteSP, FrAn iS faT, Franklin D Roosevelt, Free Martha, FrodosUncle, FrozenGummyBear, FuManchu, FufuBunnySlayer, G13, GaRrG, Gaddse, Gaeriel, Galilee, Gibson335, Gorsnik, Gravinatrix, GreAT_teaCHEr_onizuka, Guild Navigator, Gumog, GurrenLagann, HOldeRofSecrEts, HaliBoranje, Head_Moid, Higardi, HighPlainsChef, History Textbook, HodgeyBasher7L, HotCarrier, Hunkpapa, Hyp_nobono, I am a Banana, InSinYou8, IncidenceOfRealism, Inyrra, Irresponsibility, Isvarka, ItsReallyMe, Itsaspade, Itsatrap, Jannifer, Jayne, Jef, Jenny Saucepn, JesusTheDestroyer, Jezdar, Jizwink, John Quincy Adams, JonaJonaJona, Jonzo, K3yBlad3Mast3r, Kaljatukku, Kalshi, KaosFreak, Kari Filth, Karl Marx, KathleenTurnerOverdrive, Keldar the Unbrave, Keptuvis, Kilbia, Kill Snowly, Kirbydude616, Kodikun, Kurtispj1, Kylac, Lassea, LastChans, Leef, Leith, Lendezco, LiamAndMe, LinaCandle, Lina_Meatverse, Lindiwe, Lizmeis, Llamoo, Loathariette, Locks_Minx, Lord Kobel, Lord Tyranus, Lotta Potz, Love Me, Lupperi, LuxNecronis, M3ph1st0, MAlyGnE, Maguma, Malachi Constant, Mankeylicious, Marge, Marm, MaryMary299, MastaBlasta, Mathwega, Mayoress, Mc7Man, MikeyC, Mindy, Minervaish, Mitchell, Mollie, MoneyGiver, MoonRabbit, Mr Croup, MrSqueezeBox, Mrs Crab, Mumu9, MysticalMolly, Nathanl, Neotrup, Nienor, Nightvol, Nikikins, Noodilicious, Oafette, OldBobLeashed, Olesmiley, Omegle2357, Ometeotl, OminousJackal, Onedreamer, Optimus747, Orbrisa, Osbert, Oveja, P70471, PandoraFoxx, Pasta Pants, Perkk, Pettios, Picklenose, Pinche, Pinky, Pitseleh, Place_Holder, Plucky, PlutoOfPluto, PoiPoi, PolyesterMan, Poncho the Sane, Popoids, Popp, Poring Slayer, Prague, Prestige, Prize Vault, Pronell, Psychosis730, Pumpkinheadme, PuppyBucket, QVamp, RaisingOphelia, Ranava, Rand Al Thor, Rasputina, Razorboy, RebusSohal, Riganone, RiojaCrianza, Robert Plant, Rolagza, Root Stimulator, Rorek, Ruby, SM Joker, Sakurabisu, SaladBowl, SandyFlash, Sarah Palinz Ego, SarahBellum, SbeLDridge, ScoutOwl, Sealtamer, Sean Clannery, Sentrion, Shadow Tera, Shadow_Lugia, Shock_Carnage, Silkrivre, Sinister Loathing, Sir Indy, SirJeffreyofVistledorf, Skippy Zippy, Slapass, Sleepless, Snarkypants, SnufStyle420, Sololord, Some Bloke, Sonozaki Mion, Soror 666, Space Ace, Sparky Sparkles, St3cK, Steal My Toast, StuartLarkin, SuperMentos, SuperYepa, SweetLeaf, SylvieMyrtevik, TKellyMN, TastesLikeChicken, TefuukinTouzoku, TerrapinTamerTina, Tessarect, Thagorn, Thats a Spicy Meatball, The Beggar Queen, TheForce, TheLetterM, TheNuge, Thelvaenir, Thor the Vincible, Thorgarl, ThunderGate, Thy Ramen Man, Tobamf, Toes, Tookie Dawson, Tortuganator, Treasury Monger, Trina, Triple Option, Trogdorian, Truvious Everwind, TurtleSpirit of Lich, Twiggis, Twixter, Tze, Ulia, Uplink_Agent, UrbanSuicideJunkie, Valkyrie_Singer, Valryia, VanDamien, Varg Plortha, Verol, WKoLFarmBot, WOXY, WafflezLord, Wraith850, Xander XIII, Xiombarg, YILFIELLE, Yatsufusa, Yendor, Z3RO, ZamodinII, Zanchvegas, Zarqon, Zelgar the Savage, Zerg_Rush, Zombie Feynman, ZombyWoof, Zoomba, Zs bee, Zuke, aarkwilde, andrew3, anitert, apisguy, biGNINJa, bob the blob, bobbyj31, boikers, branmart, bumcheekcity2, captainspank, cathogen, chikensrule, cptjsparrow, cspark, dammed if I do, davidnjw, decapod_claw, dizshdani, djloaTHING, dorian78, dungbeetle, eMule, enigmator, eskimodave, fewyn, futinc, fuwafuwa, gLEnN_zhoU, gheyst1214, gonzo1399, harleyquinn, hellsfruition, herpman, howhowhow, iaruk, iolair, jadziadax, jijineiro, jlc2, jlchamberlain49, knEEL DiAMoNd, koMmiEs, lacy, linil, linse_4, lordsuZAKU, mad ophelia, maladJUSTedSocIaLLY, mananabas, mastad0n, mhwombats notsoevil twin, minders, mlhuff12, mooingsheep, mrblonde07, mrf, murky343, oompa, pheonixACE, psYch0, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, raynstorm, robinhood, rounDchilD, rpxx, s_m_o_k_e_y, sammyj, seatillk, sensibleb, sketchycat, slappy_THE_cat, slayer92, smegup, stuffandthings, sunshine_spirit, surfer treecko, takenoko, tekDragon, that geology chick, theDUDEster, theotherbrowneye, tudnut, whirtley66, wildflowered, xain, xtuesdayx, zobo, zoidman and zopiate1
