metal meteoroid

metal meteoroid

🥇Lin Ming69,057
🥈dune rune3,676








#6A Gressive Coffee Addict1,408


#7Mistress of the Obvious1,269


















#16Lord Stefano510


















#25Von Bek283






#28Poncho the Sane229








#32Galapagos James204










#37Nanimonai3 and caducus100


























#51Dragonegger2, Pumpkinheadme and a1416


#54Fronobulax, Sal the Rapacious and tainia15


#57Elayle and Warren14


#59OldBobLeashed and Pastahead12


#61Donavin69 and Magnus Thunderblade11


#63MysticalMolly, Princess Erin and the great spartan10


#66Ibaslomofo, Mistress Darkmoon and porkfist9


#69Dr Ragon, Oldsfrk, biggergbs and rgarz18


#73GoddessSixx and Snugglypoo7


#75ARthuR the human, Jesseee, theWotF and xXxSnappyxXx6


#79Charasan, Dessalvara and General_Herpes5


#82DeDiddlyDawg, apisguy and crystal_ingram4


#85JR Trolkin, QuickSilverPony, Ransak_the_Elder, Rathskellar and mEtropoliskID3


#90Bubba9265, Lucelle Ball, Soba Rigatoni, StanTheManly and twixenstein2


#95ARthatneverEnds, Adalberta, Al Frodo, Andalusia, Aunt Bettie, Baltar, Beavis P_Ness, BogGob, Brirad, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, CaptainRondo, DaBaddestHic, Dah Cheese, Draconik, Emerilla, Framistan, Gingersnappy, Greeny30, Guy Bone, GwynMyrddin, HOldeRofSecrEts, Hanson The Mighty, Isibeal, JCS, Johnny V, Justin Smoak, Kneegrow, Laa, Luka Nox, Lynxa, Meester Slow, Mike Antleg, Mme_Defarge, Mongrel the Apathetic, MuggleGal, Natedogg, Necrophage, NightRipper, Ninja Karl, Nodo2, Nodosaurus, Perkk, PsyMar, QVamp, RAMONE, Ryo_Sangnoir, SDLynn, Samog, Solve_Omnis, Stenson, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, TheJessieKirk, TheLetterM, TheTsundereGirl, ThrowAChairAtMe, TigerMom, Tim the Unchanter, Totentanz, Vigilamus, burgin, cobain dougans, eXtyNT, runeslayer, shkspr, taltamir, trench8891 and xKiv1
