Bastille Battalion control rig crate

Bastille Battalion control rig crate

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This huge wooden crate apparently contains the control rig and other various apparatus for running some kind of mobile war-castle? If you lose it you could probably make another one just out of this crate, jeez.

馃CreOsOTe and romanlv10




#5KoL Capital5


#6Grimdel and Hojo Hominygrits4


#8AtlanteanScion, Hunior, Mac_Gyver, Rammerking and eav3


#13Anonemuss, Bandanaman, Blarghuh, CaptainRondo, Finalstuff, Gingersnappy, GoodKnYght, Hamo_Boy, Hippie Dude, IMdemondog, Leg o Lam, LordHaplo, MiceLeader, Mr Gravy, Nescire, Silverclaw, Stupid_hippy, Trexx, Zinnia, barBara strisaNd, iepiat, kirByllAmA, mcinsand, mflGrMp, namyisun, saldon and x1a42


#40AelfRhian, Aeslyn, Ahdar Musicstopper, Arbos, Augon, BDluttrull, Bashy, BlakAcid, Bloody, Boaz182, Caliginos, Captain Scotch, ChiOnGster, ChloeBlue, ChristieBunny, Cryanger, Curbludgeon, D3tox, Dah Cheese, EPsonIC, Emerilla, FaceEater, False Dragon, Firemummy, Fluffman, ForKrunkyandJadra, GT1, Granite_Grizz, Guy Bone, HOldeRofSecrEts, Ibaslomofo, Immelan, Jellyman, LaNz, Lord Kobel, Lord Stefano, MCScaredOfBees, Mick Bagger, Mistress of the Obvious, Mme_Defarge, Mookieproof, Mr stuffy, MysticalMolly, Natedogg, Naughtlok, Nerdyfro, Nikademus, Noirblood, OkamotoSan, Oldsfrk, Orgre45, Pastahead, Perkk, Plorg, Princess Erin, ROdger_FLint, RedIrish, RedOne, Skent, Slik, Spiffie, Splotz, Terrapin_Man, The Dashing Protagonist, The Wishing Well, TheGreatReferencer, Thucber, Triskelion, Windgraze, Xande1, a930, ale, apisguy, caducus, chevarLY, cv0x, deMorphine, dune rune, eppin, espedair, eusst, fezzer, fractalnavel, fxer, ghienel, iWurfel, jenrose, kevin6ooo, mad ophelia, moORtEnsOn, moxom_s, ratbert, sAuRman leRoux, spaghettigirl, stu22, testostronaut and vampx1
