kevlateflocite helmet

kevlateflocite helmet

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This is a helmet made out of a combination of bulletproof and frictionless materials. If you've ever wanted to listen to bullets ping off of your headgear while you slide upside-down across a room, this is the helmet for you.

🥈ABeanSits, AClanIsWeBot, Abbyrod, Accordion Abuser, Adagia, Arantor, Arc9, Archham, Ayla, Barbaras, Belli, Bluerockworld, Brandytook, Brew Geared, Caplin, CaveCrawl, Cevmarauder, Chaotic Chili, Cherek, Chickenkong, Chineselegolas, Damuckle, Daultimate, Dhivael, Drondh, DrunkenFrog, Dysamyne, ElVatoLoco, EyeYam, Faeya, Farfalle al Dente, Fryguy9, Gracious Gasoline Crotch, HOldeRofSecrEts, House, Howiefeltersnatch, Hurkamer Von Vannabe, Imitation Plastic Uncle Crimbo, Itamaram, Itsaspade, Jay333, Kedar, Klegeroinus, Knotso Mu Che, Lady Bladethrust, Lokisson, Lord Apolon, Lowki, MagFitch, MahBell, Mariani, Mars the Infomage, MasterHaste, MimiRiceCat, Moggil, MooButter, Mother Posterior, MoxFulder, MrSqueezeBox, Mystic_Mim, Necrophage, Neithyme, Nirsh, NoodleBandit, Nucleartoad, OHogan, Original_Pez, Ovid, PCMCIA, PastaLaVistaBaby, Phrim, PolyesterMan, Qov, Quaxalot, Retro_Thrusters, RubyLucky, Sabina, Sancho, SatireSloth, Schirano, Scutterman, Septh, Shadowslip, Sjakie, Soulopr8r, THE Duke of Doi Tung, TKman1111, Tegestologista, Tembjorn, TheManKilledYou, TiCaudata, Tindomerel, Trajolifer, Tz_BG, Unameme, Viridis, Webley, Wianyto, Yarple, Zeitgeist, Zvetiki, aceatheart26, apr131958, beatmall, bgggg, boshduh, chickstar, croCodile pUnTER, delFuego, deucalion, dontSing, efilnikufecin, howhowhow, iMMASMASHYOFACE, ildas_daughter, jenrose, jzen, lama, mage_kane, nekrotoxin, nimportequoi, noinamg, puppy528, purdyview, rolinh, sauceclubber, serpentmuse, shameonme, the shoreditch ninja, this_is_my_name, tudnut, vespasta, wavedashinG and wolfybrie1
