Golden HP-35 Calculator

Golden HP-35 Calculator

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Dr. Gordon Stuart gave you this for helping save the world. Now you can calculate how close we came to ruin!


Everyone's a winner


Looks like everyone just has one of this item in their display case, so you can probably only get one per account. Nevertheless, well done them.
🥇CalvsiE, Crapstorm, DeathofPasta, DuRhone, Ereinion, Fessor Eli, Genbu Cosplayer, Grantasaurus, Ixidor1219, Kurtispj, Marge, Melvin DoOver, Perkk, Prima Vera, QVamp, Rabbit House, TheNovaci, Tiny Plastic Grimmy, Tobias, TwoLions, Volc, Xandor, bulbocapnine, dapanda, evil ed, jojomojo and myrth771