hemp backpack

hemp backpack

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This is a backpack made out of hemp, which was probably woven together by some filthy hippy. It's ugly, it smells awful, and the straps chafe your shoulders, but it's roomy. I guess they need lots of space for all of their drug paraphernalia and hacky sacks.

🥈Adah, BabelFist, Beljeferon, Calatan, Dah Cheese, Damascus, Derek_M_Taylor, Dill_Dough, Dman1, Fabio11234, Fineldar, Fnord7, FreNchxmaid, Fumasiado, Gharlane, HOldeRofSecrEts, HUki, Heavy Q, JLE, Jonze, Kari Filth, Keptuvis, KolMohDee, MagFitch, Mistress of the Obvious, Mme_Defarge, MrPresident, OmegaZone, PrincessK, Prostitot_Stacker, Qrrbrbirlbel, Rammerking, RedNeckReb, Ritzenbunnik, RubyLucky, Sennin, Shayol Ghul, Sinep, Skent, SouPYdreck37, Spygame, The Large Moose, There are some that cal me Tim, Tobias, Tonu, Trog Dor, Tuesday Night Fever, ds13j, irllTheblnTS, spineblaZe, tabbytomo and whizky1
