Ti Puchon

#836Angelhair Culottes1
#845Bandolier of the Spaghetti Elemental1
#614Baron von Ratsworth's money clip1
#1782Baron von Ratsworth's monocle6
🥈Big Candy's tophat1
#609Bling of the New Wave2
#1678Boss Bat bling1
#1788Boss Bat britches4
#1871Codpiece of the Goblin King2
#2464Colander of Em-er'il1
#1696Disco 'Fro Pick2
#1027Glass Balls of the Goblin King2
#1111Iron Beta of Industry3
🥇Jackass Plumber home game1
#2141Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet7
#526Order of the Silver Wossname1
#61Staff of the Well-Tempered Cauldron1
#470Thwaitgold butterfly statuette3
🥇Trivial Avocations board game1
#601Volartta's bellbottoms2
🥇all-year sucker1
#2607anniversary gift box1
#487around the world1
#4411badass belt7
#1018bit of clingfilm3
🥉control crystal1
#1733duct tape5
#109duct tape shirt1
#233duct tape sword1
#5141easter egg balloon1
#1410filthy lucre10
#5337grue egg1
#4023handful of confetti3
🥇heart of dark chocolate1
#71lollipop cufflinks1
#1850obsidian dagger6
#1595old sweatpants9
#289plexiglass pith helmet1
#1299rib of the Bonerdagon1
#2228spectre scepter7
#1336stainless steel slacks3
#1861stainless steel solitaire1
#266tiny plastic Big Candy1
#282tiny plastic Fudge Wizard1
#264tiny plastic colollilossus1
#1541unusual disco ball1
#1821vertebra of the Bonerdagon1
🥇wand of fudge control1

Wow, that's 117 items total!

what items are this player missing?