
#72100-Watt bulb1
#9561337 7r0uZ0RZ2
#101630669 scroll1
#108233398 scroll2
#933334 scroll1
#3375-Alarm Saucepan1
#26264067 scroll1
#394668 scroll1
#9237-Foot Dwarven mattock1
#2231Ancient Saucehelm1
#1966Angry Farmer candy2
#925Boris's ring1
#857Brimstone Chicken Sandwich2
#4248Crown of the Goblin King1
#496Doc Galaktik's Homeopathic Elixir7
#144Doc Galaktik's Restorative Balm11
#1938Dolphin King's crown1
#843Double Bacon Beelzeburger2
#1494Dr. Hobo's scalpel1
#396Dramatic™ range2
#119Familiar-Gro™ Terrarium1
#1005Feng Shui for Big Dumb Idiots1
#252Ferrigno's Elixir of Power1
#725Gnollish plunger1
#592Gnollish toolbox2
#512Hell ramen2
#1867Imp Ale1
#724Jolly Roger charrrm2
#1017Jumbo Dr. Lucifer1
#107Kentucky-style derby1
#791Knob Goblin elite polearm2
#779Knob Goblin harem pants2
#671Knob Goblin harem veil3
#1089Knob Goblin love potion1
#1057Knob Goblin scimitar1
#1117Knob Goblin tongs1
#647Knob sausage1
#723Lord of the Flies-sized fries4
#723Lucky Surprise Egg1
#403Meat detector1
#1110Meleegra™ pills1
#848Mohawk wig2
#1002Mountain Stream soda1
#332Newbiesport™ tent5
#843Orcish baseball cap1
#793Orcish cargo shorts1
#785Orcish frat-paddle1
#309Orcish meat locker1
#886Penultimate Fantasy chest1
#779Pine-Fresh air freshener1
#338Queue Du Coq cocktailcrafting kit2
#945Spam Witch sammich4
#1513Tasty Fun Good rice candy6
#1305Trollhouse cookies1
#875Warm Subject gift certificate6
#2956Yummy Tummy bean1
#704a little sump'm sump'm1
#1478abominable snowcone1
#1005acid-squirting flower1
#1005acoustic guitarrr1
#1252amulet of extreme plot significance2
#1079annoying pitchfork1
#852arrrgyle socks1
#435asbestos crossbow1
#72asbestos meat stack1
#799asbestos ore4
#387asbestos staff1
#168asbestos stick1
#478asbestos sword1
#173asbestos sword hilt1
#881asparagus knife2
#124asparagus stir-fry1
#1766awful poetry journal2
#1849baby killer bee1
#7432badass belt1
#631balaclava baklava1
#305balloon helmet1
#1029balloon monkey1
#311balloon sword1
#218banjo strings1
#1060bar skin2
#961barbed-wire fence1
#186barskin tent1
#472big rock1
#210big stick1
#1231blue pixel1
#5029bottle of goofballs1
#1583bottle of rum1
#1369bottle of tequila1
#1021bottle of whiskey8
#1136bowl of cottage cheese1
#318brass stinger1
#670bugbear beanie5
#52bugbear bungguard183
#593can of maces1
#57candied yam pinky ring1
#665carob chunk cookies1
#731carob chunks1
#873casino pass1
#687cat appendix1
#1612chaos butterfly2
#418chewing gum on a string16
#409chocolate spurs1
#764chorizo taco1
#797clown shoes1
#1222cocoa egg1
#1045cocoa eggshell fragment5
#652cool whip2
#185crossbow string1
#1036dead guy's watch2
#466delicious noodles1
#1032dense meat stack4
#59dental pliers1
#209dingy planks1
#1095dirty hobo gloves1
#531disbelief suspenders1
#1361disco ball5
#1715disco mask1
#819disembodied brain1
#1852disturbing fanfic1
#929draggin' ball hat1
#1978drywall axe1
#400eXtreme mittens8
#110eXtreme scarf46
#666empty meat tank1
#498enchanted bean2
#291false eyelashes1
#412fermenting powder1
#1000filthy corduroys1
#970filthy knitted dread sack1
#810flaming crutch2
#940flaming talons1
#445flat dough1
#825frilly skirt1
#56gazing shoes1
#982ghuol ears1
#1172ghuol egg2
#2408giant discarded plastic fork1
#1253giant needle1
#587glass of goat's milk7
#833glowing red eye4
#769gnoll lips1
#626goat beard3
#699goat cheese pizza3
#167golden twig1
#594green balloon2
#1108green pixel1
#655hair spray1
#209helmet recipe1
#1505helmet turtle4
#261hermit permit11
#318hippy herbal tea1
#432horizontal tango1
#257hot buttered roll1
#998hot katana blade1
#1286hot wing1
#728hypodermic needle1
#810ice-cold Willer28
#517ice-cold six-pack12
#544irate sombrero2
#268jabañero pepper1
#1052jabañero-flavored chewing gum2
#499kickback cookbook1
#280large cocoa eggshell fragment1
#1294lead necklace1
#912lihc eye2
#748lihc face2
#437linoleum staff1
#673little paper umbrella31
#993loose teeth12
#912lowercase N1
#1217magical ice cubes1
#387magnifying glass1
#676maiden wig1
#750many-eyed glasses1
#707mariachi G-string1
#1299mariachi pants1
#1321marzipan skull1
#43meat from yesterday156
#566meat paste25
#928meat stack3
#873meat vortex7
#335meatcar model1
#210meatsmithing guide1
#1203metallic A1
#790miner's helmet1
#602miner's pants2
#123miniature espresso maker1
#501monkey wrench1
#964moxie weed1
#598mullet wig1
#375necklace chain5
#231oil of slipperiness1
#523oriole-feather headdress2
#1889oyster basket1
#396palm-frond toupee1
#244pants kit1
#527papaya sling1
#1390pasta spoon2
#71penguin-smacking club1
#165phat turquoise bracelet3
#995phonics down6
#906photoprotoneutron torpedo5
#1089pickle-flavored chewing gum2
#537piercing post1
#954pile of candy2
#660pile of jumping beans1
#727pirate pelvis1
#269plain pizza8
#1217plot hole2
#811potted cactus1
#904pr0n legs2
#1429pretty flower6
#1165probability potion1
#1051procrastination potion3
#730prosthetic forehead1
#103rainbow tie1
#691rat appendix3
#1258ravioli hat3
#969ridiculously huge sword2
#1135ring of half-assed regeneration1
#1005ruby W1
#644rum and cola1
#848rusty grave robbing shovel1
#318rusty metal ring1
#325rusty metal shaft1
#761sabre teeth2
#853salty dog1
#954scroll of drastic healing11
#998scrumptious reagent3
#1103seal tooth1
#1671seal-clubbing club1
#2571shiny ring2
#412shock collar1
#1190skeleton bone5
#811skeleton key2
#509skewer-mounted razor blade1
#149smile-sharpening stone1
#377snowboarder pants8
#522soda water1
#1122soft green echo eyedrop antidote9
#821spiked femur1
#1063spooky eyeliner1
#1086spooky lipstick1
#645stalk of asparagus4
#288star shirt1
#1618stolen accordion2
#715strongness elixir1
#185studded leather boxer shorts1
#1465stuffed can of asparagus1
#1575stuffed dodecapede1
#3954stuffed shoulder parrot2
#766sucky decal1
#1027sunken chest3
#1105super-spiky hair gel6
#963swashbuckling pants1
#524sweet ninja sword1
#178sword hilt1
#456t8r tots9
#384targeting chip1
#1188ten-leaf clover1
#601tenderizing hammer1
#1620thin black candle1
#325tiny Mountie hat1
#411tiny balloon knife1
#1356tiny house11
#268tiny knife and fork2
#463tiny maracas1
#6223tiny plastic Cheshire bat2
#4540tiny plastic accordion thief1
#4841tiny plastic angry goat3
#6168tiny plastic baby gravy fairy2
#8119tiny plastic barrrnacle1
#8169tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball1
#6127tiny plastic cocoabo2
#6237tiny plastic coffee pixie2
#4494tiny plastic disco bandit1
#8149tiny plastic fuzzy dice1
#8185tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick1
#6153tiny plastic ghuol whelp2
#8055tiny plastic grue1
#4595tiny plastic hermit1
#8123tiny plastic howling balloon monkey1
#8064tiny plastic killer bee1
#8198tiny plastic leprechaun1
#6183tiny plastic levitating potato2
#8107tiny plastic mosquito1
#4343tiny plastic pastamancer1
#8098tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime1
#4463tiny plastic sauceror1
#2607tiny plastic seal clubber2
#4897tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton3
#6129tiny plastic stab bat2
#4890tiny plastic star starfish3
#4478tiny plastic turtle tamer1
#1124tiny shaker of salt1
#1050titanium assault umbrella1
#544tofu casserole1
#77toy six-seater hovercraft1
#1547turtle totem3
#593uncooked chorizo2
#728urinal cake1
#1426valuable trinket21
#58velvet choker1
#1098wad of dough1
#695wad of tofu1
#220whip kit1
#647whiskey and cola1
#902white balloon1
#739white chocolate chip cookies1
#1025white pixel1
#808white satin pants1
#191wooden figurine1
#811wooden stakes1
#736worthless gewgaw2
#764worthless knick-knack3
#1045wussiness potion1
#355yak skin1
#228ye olde golde frontes1
#1447yeti fur5

Wow, that's 7,524 items total!

what items are this player missing?