
#246A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 11
#278A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 21
#254A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 31
#223A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 41
#294A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 51
#224A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 61
#182Chester's bag of candy1
#125Hodgman's journal #2: Entrepreneurythmics1
#283Red Rover BB gun13
#2349Thwaitgold stag beetle statuette1
#75Trivial Avocations Card: What?198
#74Trivial Avocations Card: When?190
#73Trivial Avocations Card: Where?172
#73Trivial Avocations Card: Who?181
#12Underworld truncheon1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
#355bejeweled cufflinks12
#767black-and-blue light7
#118blue class ring37
#3304bottle of goofballs4
#2907box of sunshine31
#352can of CRIMBCOLA7
#606cheap studded belt20
#1351club necklace5
🥉control crystal1
#170cream pie9
#407designer handbag7
#1597diamond necklace4
#323divine can of silly string25
#1149empty agua de vida bottle5
#599fancy opera glasses5
#333fat stacks of cash28
#452garish pinky ring9
#568giant designer sunglasses6
#2509heart necklace2
#730mood ring1
#54mummy costume122
#3385obsidian dagger1
#227peanut brittle shield15
#78pumpkinhead mask104
#380red-and-green sweater6
#406roll of toilet paper223
#1275rubber WWBD? bracelet6
#1551rubber WWJD? bracelet5
#2199rubber WWSPD? bracelet3
#2738rubber WWtNSD? bracelet2
#1624spade necklace4
#657stuffed Baron von Ratsworth67
#2071stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech24
#653stuffed Meat73
#2445stuffed astral badger20
#2255stuffed baby gravy fairy23
#238stuffed crazy bastard sword33
#2113stuffed hand turkey24
#412stuffed martini22
#1852stuffed mind flayer28
#683stuffed mink68
#695stuffed monocle69
#2460stuffed spooky gravy fairy20
#1989stuffed stinky gravy fairy25
#617stuffed teddy butler79
#670stuffed tin of caviar72
#2581stuffed undead elbow macaroni19
#147sugar shorts1
#47sugar shotgun5
#650tiny plastic 11 Dealer1
#1800tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf4
#2779tiny plastic Axe Wound2
#3116tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth1
#1065tiny plastic Black Knight7
#1510tiny plastic Bonerdagon3
#1493tiny plastic Boss Bat3
#2851tiny plastic Cheshire bat6
#620tiny plastic Crimbo Casino1
#1732tiny plastic Crimbo elf5
#1477tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer6
#924tiny plastic Crimbo wreath4
#576tiny plastic Crimbomination1
#635tiny plastic Don Crimbo1
#3126tiny plastic Felonia1
#1251tiny plastic G Imp6
#1761tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser4
#2792tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester2
#1760tiny plastic Iiti Kitty4
#1762tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter4
#2167tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl3
#2775tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist2
#1237tiny plastic Knott Yeti6
#1056tiny plastic Mob Penguin1
#3865tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy1
#2185tiny plastic Protagonist3
#1727tiny plastic Spam Witch4
#1749tiny plastic Spunky Princess4
#2061tiny plastic The Man2
#1474tiny plastic Trouser Snake5
#1810tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo2
#2160tiny plastic XXX pr0n3
#2859tiny plastic angry bugbear2
#3305tiny plastic angry goat5
#2194tiny plastic anime smiley3
#1755tiny plastic apathetic lizardman4
#3981tiny plastic astronomer1
#2011tiny plastic baby gravy fairy9
#2261tiny plastic barrrnacle8
#1040tiny plastic beanbat7
#2574tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar2
#2862tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball6
#2200tiny plastic blooper3
#1244tiny plastic brainsweeper6
#2769tiny plastic briefcase bat2
#989tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite1
#2012tiny plastic cocoabo9
#3962tiny plastic coffee pixie4
#2757tiny plastic cubist bull2
#2771tiny plastic demoninja2
#2803tiny plastic drunk goat2
#1017tiny plastic fat stack of cash1
#2763tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus2
#1790tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker4
#2185tiny plastic fluffy bunny3
#1211tiny plastic fruit golem6
#2259tiny plastic fuzzy dice8
#3969tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick4
#3961tiny plastic ghuol whelp4
#1477tiny plastic goth giant5
#1661tiny plastic grue11
#2799tiny plastic handsome mariachi2
#3311tiny plastic howling balloon monkey5
#1775tiny plastic killer bee10
#2826tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box2
#3339tiny plastic leprechaun5
#3316tiny plastic levitating potato5
#2732tiny plastic lobsterfrogman2
#3979tiny plastic mosquito4
#1037tiny plastic mutant elf1
#2156tiny plastic ninja snowman3
#3925tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime4
#2644tiny plastic sauceror2
#1466tiny plastic scary clown5
#4452tiny plastic seal clubber1
#1784tiny plastic senile lihc4
#1559tiny plastic skeletal reindeer1
#1248tiny plastic smarmy pirate6
#2146tiny plastic spiny skelelton3
#2880tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton6
#2850tiny plastic stab bat6
#2516tiny plastic star starfish7
#584tiny plastic stocking mimic1
#979tiny plastic strand of DNA1
#1655tiny plastic sweet nutcracker5
#2149tiny plastic taco cat3
#1430tiny plastic topiary golem5
#1087tiny plastic turtle tamer5
#1773tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni4
#1447tiny plastic warwelf5
#1437tiny plastic whitesnake5
#2169tiny plastic zmobie3
#488tip jar1
#322viking helmet37
#615witch hat1
#59wolfman mask124

Wow, that's 4,030 items total!

what items are this player missing?