
#101Brimstone Boxers1
#641Dyspepsi grenade18
#427Dyspepsi-Cola fatigues6
#436Dyspepsi-Cola helmet6
#726Dyspepsi-Cola shield3
#331Dyspepsi-Cola-issue canteen2
#1442Green Clover of Justice1
#174Loudmouth Larry Lamprey352
#73Ram's Face Lager1,203
#514Typical Tavern swill3
#1286Wand of Nagamar1
#38bag of Cheat-Os774
#167black-and-blue light369
#181blue plasma ball356
#159cheap studded belt386
#1660cheap toaster1
#494fancy bath salts14
#157flavored foot massage oil367
#160foam dart354
#141hot katana blade149
#90insanely spicy bean burrito204
#208personal massager148
#189personalized coffee mug388
#37ram horns346
#35ram stick386
#46six pack of Mountain Stream704
#163stick-on eyebrow piercing373
#650tiny plastic 11 Dealer1
#3936tiny plastic Axe Wound1
#385tiny plastic Best Game Ever1
#445tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ1
#3999tiny plastic Cheshire bat4
#620tiny plastic Crimbo Casino1
#4232tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer1
#576tiny plastic Crimbomination1
#1550tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram1
#635tiny plastic Don Crimbo1
#3886tiny plastic Iiti Kitty1
#3961tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter1
#3874tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl1
#1056tiny plastic Mob Penguin1
#403tiny plastic Mr. Mination1
#3865tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy1
#1530tiny plastic Scream Queen1
#4544tiny plastic accordion thief1
#1733tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll1
#2515tiny plastic angry goat7
#3366tiny plastic baby gravy fairy5
#8132tiny plastic barrrnacle1
#2574tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar2
#4842tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball3
#3958tiny plastic brainsweeper1
#989tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite1
#2859tiny plastic cocoabo6
#3962tiny plastic coffee pixie4
#3940tiny plastic demoninja1
#1017tiny plastic fat stack of cash1
#428tiny plastic fax machine1
#4888tiny plastic fuzzy dice3
#3331tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick5
#3961tiny plastic ghuol whelp4
#1738tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire1
#4815tiny plastic grue3
#2708tiny plastic hermit2
#427tiny plastic hobo elf1
#3975tiny plastic howling balloon monkey4
#6080tiny plastic killer bee2
#2504tiny plastic leprechaun7
#8106tiny plastic levitating potato1
#3979tiny plastic mosquito4
#1037tiny plastic mutant elf1
#3925tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime4
#1321tiny plastic seal clubber4
#1559tiny plastic skeletal reindeer1
#4014tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton4
#6134tiny plastic stab bat2
#4021tiny plastic star starfish4
#584tiny plastic stocking mimic1
#979tiny plastic strand of DNA1
#4484tiny plastic turtle tamer1
#2704tiny plastic whitesnake2
#41unrefined Mountain Stream syrup764
#122yeti fur2,652

Wow, that's 11,296 items total!

what items are this player missing?