
🥈Abuela Crimbo's special magnet1
#110Baja sopapilla7
#1502Bulky Buddy Box1
#195Cheer-Up soda1
#424Crimbo Factory surprise box1
#107Crimbo crystal shards1
#155Crimbo dinner1
#104Crimbo food scraps51
#25Crimbo train emergency brake128
#31Crimbylow-rise jeans1
#24Mer-kin cookiestove270
#25Mer-kin rollpin1
#253Space Tours Tripple1
#8The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 412
#28Trainbot autoassembly module11
#21Trainbot circuitry304
#73Trainbot harness1
#55Trainbot linkages48
#77Trainbot luggage hook1
#81Trainbot optics19
#75Trainbot plating22
#72Trainbot radar monocle1
#19Trainbot servomotors269
#70Trainbot slag100
#79Trainbot tubing25
#32Yuleviathan necklace2
#857adorable seal larva3
#38anemoney clip1
#80antique Canadian lantern2
#52antique nutcracker beard1
#46antique nutcracker boots1
#46antique nutcracker cape1
#36antique nutcracker drumstick1
#32antique nutcracker epaulets1
#116antique nutcracker figurine2
#47antique nutcracker hat1
#45antique nutcracker pants1
#42antique nutcracker sword1
#44antique nutcracker waistcoat1
#7automatic wine thief3
#106baby cuddlefish2
#1849baby killer bee1
#172ballast turtle1
#58beaver punch (cherry)2
#54beaver punch (papaya)2
#65beaver punch (peach)2
#930black paisley oyster egg5
#1001black polka-dot oyster egg4
#1901black striped oyster egg2
#1675blue plastic oyster egg2
#201blue polka-dot oyster egg18
#761blue striped oyster egg6
#143bowl of mernudo2
#88brilliant oyster egg6
#168buñuelos Jaliscos5
#266chakra sludge1
#129chakra-mental wine1
#1705chaos butterfly1
#128cheer extractor1
#109cheerful Crimbo sweater1
#87cheerful antler hat1
#86cheerful pajama pants1
#507chintzy saucepan earring1
#221chocolate saucepan1
#152cigar box turtle1
#166colorful toad1
#127crystal Crimbo goblet1
#118crystal Crimbo platter1
#34crystalline cheer4,880
#88deactivated mini-Trainbot2
#677displaced fish1
#166dregs of a Crimbo cocktail10
#81executive mime flask15
#64flan del mar8
#325friendly cheez blob7
#551ghost pickle on a stick1
#164giraffe-necked turtle1
#119gleaming oyster egg4
#137glistening oyster egg4
#163glob of salty molasses1
#64green and red bean210
#255grilled mooseflank2
#1409grue egg18
#196gummi turtle1
#30head-mounted Trainbot1
#1877helmet turtle1
#92honey-drenched ham slice41
#133hot watered rum3
#98hushed puppy4
#31icing poncho1
#64ingot turtle1
#17intact anemone spike599
#168irradiated turtle1
#34kelp-holly drape1
#37kelp-holly gun1
#909ketchup hound1
#232knobby helmet turtle1
#2180lavender paisley oyster egg1
#30leg-mounted Trainbots1
#220liquid SONAR1
#166lost elf luggage1
#119lustrous oyster egg4
#1003macaroni duck2
#123magnificent oyster egg4
#194makeshift crane1
#330mauve paisley oyster egg9
#363mauve polka-dot oyster egg9
#95meaty helmet turtle1
#128mime army camouflage kit1
#228mime army rations1
#153mime army superserum1
#205mime army wine1
#73mime pocket probe1
🥇mime-proof sunglasses1
#151mocking turtle1
#17moist Crimbo spices621
#91mostly-empty bottle of cookie wine39
#120muffled muffuletta4
#146musk turtle1
#73muskox-skin cap2
#1363off-white paisley oyster egg1
#720off-white polka-dot oyster egg4
#186off-white striped oyster egg15
#69oil pan1
#150ojo de pez burrito2
#129padded tortoise1
#160painted turtle1
#582panhandle panhandling hat1
#64pearlescent oyster egg12
#41peppermint eel sauce432
#32peppermint spine2
#116personalizable gingerbread cookie1
#42pile of Trainbot parts968
#24pressurized potion of possessiveness1
#300primitive candy cane1
#147programmable turtle1
#1421puce plastic oyster egg2
#488puce polka-dot oyster egg8
#1644puce striped oyster egg1
#43really nice lump of coal2
#1131red plastic oyster egg4
#330red polka-dot oyster egg10
#16ribbon candy ascot2
#67runny fermented egg4
#11runny icing803
#70salt plum161
#161salty gumdrop1
#94samurai turtle1
#58scintillating oyster egg16
#180sewer turtle1
#32shoulder-mounted Trainbot1
#240shushed potatoes2
#69silent A1
#138silent B1
#59silent C1
#63silent D1
#57silent E1
#77silent F1
#64silent G1
#135silent H1
#75silent I7
#173silent J1
#46silent K1
#149silent L1
#191silent M1
#69silent N1
#152silent O3
#212silent P1
#87silent Q1
#62silent R1
#69silent S1
#65silent T1
#64silent U1
#75silent V1
#123silent W1
#186silent X1
#67silent Y1
#121silent Z1
#28silver table-scraper1
#417sleeping wereturtle1
#42soggy elf shoes1
#22soggy gingerbread chunk416
#1131squashed frog1
#120stale Cheer-E-Os7
#113stale cheer wine9
#26steamed oyster130
#173super-sweet fish goo (spoiled)1
#1593teddy borg2
#180thick walrus blubber1
#180tiny bomb2
#65tiny plastic Abuela Crimbo1
#61tiny plastic Café Elf1
#59tiny plastic Dolph Bossin1
#46tiny plastic Mer-kin baker1
#67tiny plastic The Silent Nightmare1
#39tiny plastic caboose1
#37tiny plastic coal car1
#36tiny plastic dining car1
#53tiny plastic dolphin "orphan"1
#37tiny plastic locomotive1
#71tiny plastic mime executive1
#72tiny plastic mime functionary1
#73tiny plastic mime scientist1
#74tiny plastic mime soldier1
#57tiny plastic orphan1
#39tiny plastic passenger car1
#58tiny plastic reindeer1
#45tiny plastic sea elf1
#53tiny plastic wild beaver1
#52tiny plastic yuleviathan1
#351traditional Crimbo cookie6
#1355untamable turtle1
#198warbear oil pan1
#145warehouse key5
#181waterlogged cloth1
#178waterlogged leather1
#174waterlogged metal1
#173waterlogged stuffing1
#137waterlogged wood1
#189yellow paisley oyster egg13
#510yellow plastic oyster egg12
#619yellow striped oyster egg4
#165yule gruel2

Wow, that's 11,121 items total!

what items are this player missing?