
#8391337 7r0uZ0RZ3
#79530669 scroll3
#77033398 scroll8
#643334 scroll4
#5747-Foot Dwarven mattock3
#97Accordion of Jordion1
#271Alice's Army Alchemist1
#1539Angry Farmer candy9
#787Argarggagarg's fang2
#1502Bulky Buddy Box1
#363a butt tuba1
#148abominable blubber5
#130accord ion1
#1566adorable seal larva1
#486all-purpose cleaner5
#1252amulet of extreme plot significance2
#210ancient poisoned dart4
#80anemone sauce1
#393annoying pitchfork7
#534ant agonist2
#268ant hoe1
#212antique machete1
#1077asparagus knife1
#126attorney's badge5
#941bat guano1
#132black lotus1
#1046black pixel1
#794bunny liver2
#851burst hellseal brain1
#1222cocoa egg1
#516depleted uranium seal figurine1
#603enchanted bean1
#732enormous belt buckle1
#726figurine of a charred seal2
#846figurine of a cold seal2
#409figurine of a shadowy seal2
#339figurine of a sleek seal6
#507figurine of a slippery seal2
#4735fuzzy dice1
#860green clay bead3
#5337grue egg1
#4486handful of confetti2
#966hill of beans1
#1965robotronic egg1
#2841solid gold bowling ball1
#673turtle pheromones1

Wow, that's 128 items total!

what items are this player missing?