
#1134Asleep in the Cemetery1
#815Blizzards I Have Died In1
#176Chester's cutoffs1
#84Frosty's arm1
#213Frosty's carrot1
#77Frosty's old silk hat2
#121Frosty's snowball sack1
#119Hodgman's bow tie1
#95Hodgman's harmonica1
#129Hodgman's lobsterskin pants1
#65Hodgman's lucky sock1
#146Hodgman's porkpie hat1
#839Kissin' Cousins1
#730Let Me Be!2
#848Maxing, Relaxing1
#217Ol' Scratch's ash can1
#99Ol' Scratch's manacles1
#196Ol' Scratch's ol' britches1
#94Ol' Scratch's stove door1
#187Ol' Scratch's stovepipe hat1
#187Oscus's dumpster waders1
#100Oscus's flypaper pants1
#105Oscus's garbage can lid1
#938Travels with Jerry1
#149bottle of sewage schnapps55
#61caustic slime nodule7
#123decaying goldfish liver68
#112gator skin82
#64sewer nuggets493
#202slime-soaked hypophysis1
#121slime-soaked sweat gland2
#225slimy fermented bile bladder54
#256slimy sweetbreads35
#89tiny slimy cyst20

Wow, that's 843 items total!

what items are this player missing?