
#6451337 7r0uZ0RZ6
#12325-meat staff1
#79530669 scroll3
#74733398 scroll9
#773334 scroll2
#19064067 scroll2
#394668 scroll1
#2097Angry Farmer candy1
#1130Asleep in the Cemetery1
#226Cookbook of the Damned2
#568Hippy Army MPE1
#693Maxwell's Silver Hammer1
#1138Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub1
#886Penultimate Fantasy chest1
#940Ram's Face Lager1
#282Sinful Desires2
#615Slow Talkin' Elliot's dogtags1
#727Snow Queen Crown1
#1026Spam Witch sammich2
#1954Tasty Fun Good rice candy1
#852The Big Book of Pirate Insults1
🥈The Spirit of Crimbo1
#1215Trollhouse cookies2
#753Typical Tavern swill1
#1432amulet of extreme plot significance1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
#268ant hoe1
#885antique greaves1
#894antique helmet1
#904antique shield1
#945antique spear1
#1921awful poetry journal1
#662bag of Cheat-Os5
#966beer bomb1
#725black sword1
#355booty chest charrrm15
#279boring spaghetti1
#624bottle of Pinot Renoir1
#458bottle of Vangoghbitussin1
#670bottle of antifreeze1
#5029bottle of goofballs1
#1504bottle of whiskey1
#450bowl of lucky charms1
#733can of spinach2
#255cannonball charrrm26
#872casino pass1
#1705chaos butterfly1
#1227cocoa eggshell fragment1
#777cold ninja mask1
#952crazy little Turkish delight1
#455cursed dirty joke scroll1
#1795delicious salad1
#1064diamond-studded cane1
#1361disco ball5
#927disco mask14
#789disintegrating quill pen1
#1418disturbing fanfic8
#813drab sonata1
#606draggin' ball hat5
#1978drywall axe1
#93duct tape fedora1
#1116empty Cloaca-Cola bottle1
#405exploding hacky-sack1
#1947facsimile dictionary1
#792flaming talons2
#323frigid mote2
#1091frigid ninja stars1
#369frozen nunchaku7
#709furry fur49
#642ga-ga radio1
#1253giant needle1
#896glass of goat's milk1
#1107glowing red eye1
#218gnoll-tooth necklace1
#820goat beard1
#846goat cheese1
#462handful of hand chalk48
#1193heavy D1
#1395helmet turtle6
#455icy katana hilt4
#605insanely spicy bean burrito1
#909ketchup hound1
#848mariachi pants8
#985meat paste1
#1087meat vortex1
#478melted Jell-o shot1
#1203metallic A1
#964moxie weed1
#423ninja mop3
#175nutty organic salad1
#1085original G2
#617oversized pipe1
#740palm frond1
#824pasta spoon14
#1170phonics down1
#1144photoprotoneutron torpedo1
#1233pickle-flavored chewing gum1
#1183pool cue1
#904pr0n legs2
#900pretty flower32
#1165probability potion1
#1187procrastination potion1
#555ram horns1
#557ram stick1
#1134ravioli hat5
#416rewinged stab bat1
#228rice bowl9
#1121ridiculously huge sword1
#329ridiculously overelaborate ninja weapon6
#494sabre teeth10
#1036sawblade shield1
#559scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil1
#938scroll of drastic healing12
#933seal-clubbing club13
#442seal-skull helmet20
#398serpentine sword1
#410shiny hood ornament1
#480six pack of Mountain Stream6
#397snarling wolf shield1
#970snifter of thoroughly aged brandy1
#1335soft green echo eyedrop antidote1
#2841solid gold bowling ball1
#747solid gold pegleg1
#773spider web13
#944stolen accordion17
#4800stuffed shoulder parrot1
#970tattered paper crown1
#775tattered scrap of paper1
#1620thin black candle1
#1701tiny house1
#1050titanium assault umbrella1
#1477turtle totem4
#609unrefined Mountain Stream syrup1
#107unrolling pin1
#846wolf mask6
#1737yeti fur1

Wow, that's 566 items total!

what items are this player missing?