
#2231Ancient Saucehelm1
#1257Baron von Ratsworth's tophat1
#1678Boss Bat bling1
#2407Codpiece of the Goblin King1
#2464Colander of Em-er'il1
#272Crimbo ukulele1
#2662Disco 'Fro Pick1
#1494Dr. Hobo's scalpel1
#1602Glass Balls of the Goblin King1
#441Gnomitronic Hyperspatial Demodulizer1
#2544Scalp of Gorgolok1
#614Zim Merman's guitar1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
#885antique greaves1
#945antique spear1
#6543badass belt2
#753bag of lard1
#159clockwork sphere1
#618deck of tropical cards1
#670disembodied brain2
#180massive sitar1
#1299rib of the Bonerdagon1
#3651rubber WWtNSD? bracelet1
#210set of jacks1
#8936stuffed Cheshire bitten1
#8937stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech1
#8863stuffed angry cow1
#8973stuffed astral badger1
#8950stuffed baby gravy fairy1
#7693stuffed cocoabo2
#8922stuffed flaming gravy fairy1
#8971stuffed frozen gravy fairy1
#8978stuffed hand turkey1
#8881stuffed spooky gravy fairy1
🥇time sleigh1
#3986tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf1
#3930tiny plastic Axe Wound1
#3115tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth1
#3176tiny plastic Bonerdagon1
#1550tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram1
#3830tiny plastic G Imp1
#3953tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser1
#3873tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester1
#3958tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter1
#3872tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl1
#3894tiny plastic Knott Yeti1
#3871tiny plastic Protagonist1
#1530tiny plastic Scream Queen1
#3062tiny plastic The Man1
#3926tiny plastic Trouser Snake1
#1732tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll1
#3940tiny plastic anime smiley1
#3978tiny plastic astronomer1
#3922tiny plastic blooper1
#3903tiny plastic briefcase bat1
#8089tiny plastic cocoabo1
#8217tiny plastic coffee pixie1
#3875tiny plastic drunk goat1
#3909tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker1
#3917tiny plastic fluffy bunny1
#8149tiny plastic fuzzy dice1
#1738tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire1
#3859tiny plastic goth giant1
#8123tiny plastic howling balloon monkey1
#8107tiny plastic mosquito1
#3889tiny plastic scary clown1
#3850tiny plastic senile lihc1
#1558tiny plastic skeletal reindeer1
#3952tiny plastic smarmy pirate1
#3834tiny plastic spiny skelelton1
#3935tiny plastic spooky vampire1
#3858tiny plastic topiary golem1
#3869tiny plastic warwelf1
#3847tiny plastic zmobie1

Wow, that's 78 items total!

what items are this player missing?