
#588A. W. O. L. commendation7
#148BGE 'cuddly critter' shirt6
#237BGE 'ferocious fruit' shirt4
#148BGE pocket calendar5
#248BGE shotglass24
#78BGE temporary tattoo9
#316BGE tiny plastic toy4
#114Sinful Desires6
#777Thwaitgold bee statuette3
#169Thwaitgold butterfly statuette6
#519Thwaitgold grasshopper statuette6
#886Thwaitgold stag beetle statuette10
#506Thwaitgold woollybear statuette3
#857adorable seal larva3
#435baggie of powdered sugar39
#206cocoa eggshell fragment414
#226depleted uranium seal figurine3
#134hardened slime belt1
#109hemp net4
#57irate sombrero46
#72lump of diamond83
#1420macaroni duck1
#140mummy wrapping196
#86powdered organs59
#100taco shell196
#651tiny plastic 11 Dealer1
#3177tiny plastic Beelzebozo1
#384tiny plastic Best Game Ever1
#266tiny plastic Big Candy1
#302tiny plastic abominable fudgeman1
#4540tiny plastic accordion thief1
#1732tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll1
#4021tiny plastic angry bugbear1
#6119tiny plastic angry goat2
#8119tiny plastic barrrnacle1
#3963tiny plastic beanbat1

Wow, that's 1,156 items total!

what items are this player missing?