Kaka Thalia

#2594stuffed Cheshire bitten18
#3175stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech14
#3199stuffed angry cow14
#4282stuffed astral badger9
#2956stuffed baby gravy fairy16
#3468stuffed cocoabo12
#3608stuffed flaming gravy fairy12
#1833stuffed frozen gravy fairy28
#1811stuffed hand turkey29
#3371stuffed mind flayer13
#4960stuffed scary death orb7
#1780stuffed shoulder parrot10
#3753stuffed sleazy gravy fairy11
#2701stuffed snowy owl17
#3401stuffed spooky gravy fairy13
#3545stuffed stinky gravy fairy12
#4592stuffed undead elbow macaroni8
#70tiny house4,576
#3930tiny plastic Axe Wound1
#3115tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth1
#3177tiny plastic Beelzebozo1
#8186tiny plastic Cheshire bat1
#2899tiny plastic Crimbo wreath1
#1550tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram1
#3830tiny plastic G Imp1
#3908tiny plastic Hellion1
#3074tiny plastic Knob Goblin King1
#3958tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter1
#3872tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl1
#3909tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist1
#3860tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy1
#3871tiny plastic Protagonist1
#3061tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski1
#3062tiny plastic The Man1
#3926tiny plastic Trouser Snake1
#4540tiny plastic accordion thief1
#1732tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll1
#4021tiny plastic angry bugbear1
#8208tiny plastic angry goat1
#3973tiny plastic apathetic lizardman1
#3978tiny plastic astronomer1
#8249tiny plastic baby gravy fairy1
#8119tiny plastic barrrnacle1
#4474tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar1
#8169tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball1
#3953tiny plastic brainsweeper1
#8089tiny plastic cocoabo1
#8217tiny plastic coffee pixie1
#4494tiny plastic disco bandit1
#3875tiny plastic drunk goat1
#3842tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus1
#3923tiny plastic fruit golem1
#8149tiny plastic fuzzy dice1
#8185tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick1
#8088tiny plastic ghuol whelp1
#1738tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire1
#3859tiny plastic goth giant1
#8055tiny plastic grue1
#4595tiny plastic hermit1
#8123tiny plastic howling balloon monkey1
#8064tiny plastic killer bee1
#8198tiny plastic leprechaun1
#8100tiny plastic levitating potato1
#3835tiny plastic lobsterfrogman1
#8107tiny plastic mosquito1
#3996tiny plastic ninja snowman1
#4343tiny plastic pastamancer1
#8098tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime1
#4463tiny plastic sauceror1
#3889tiny plastic scary clown1
#4450tiny plastic seal clubber1
#3850tiny plastic senile lihc1
#1558tiny plastic skeletal reindeer1
#3952tiny plastic smarmy pirate1
#8221tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton1
#3935tiny plastic spooky vampire1
#8155tiny plastic stab bat1
#8133tiny plastic star starfish1
#4478tiny plastic turtle tamer1
#3869tiny plastic warwelf1

Wow, that's 5,344 items total!

what items are this player missing?