
#1848Corpse Island iced tea1
#1867Imp Ale1
#1757Mad Train wine1
#307Mae West1
#111Oreille Divisée brandy1
#940Ram's Face Lager1
#704a little sump'm sump'm1
#501accidental cider1
#2563black paisley oyster egg1
#2088black polka-dot oyster egg1
#2665black striped oyster egg1
#2408blue plastic oyster egg1
#392bottle of Calcutta Emerald1
#378bottle of Definit1
#414bottle of Domesticated Turkey1
#386bottle of Jorge Sinsonte1
#399bottle of Lieutenant Freeman1
#334bottle of Ooze-O1
#511bottle of cooking sherry1
#1327bottle of gin1
#265bottle of realpagne1
#1583bottle of rum1
#1369bottle of tequila1
#1260bottle of vodka1
#1504bottle of whiskey1
#363boxed champagne1
#464bungle in the jungle1
#533calle de miel1
#1821corpse on the beach1
#569cream stout1
#983distilled fortified wine1
#515ducha de oro1
#1029dusty bottle of Muscat1
#132flask of Amontillado1
#859flute of flat champagne1
#432horizontal tango1
#1763ice-cold Sir Schlitz1
#1603ice-cold Willer1
#2180lavender paisley oyster egg1
#2306lavender plastic oyster egg1
#2028lavender polka-dot oyster egg1
#1764lavender striped oyster egg1
#328love song of disturbing obsession1
#323love song of sugary cuteness1
#1983mauve paisley oyster egg1
#2254mauve plastic oyster egg1
#2384mauve striped oyster egg1
#501monkey wrench1
#527ocean motion1
#1363off-white paisley oyster egg1
#2532off-white plastic oyster egg1
#1733off-white polka-dot oyster egg1
#1582off-white striped oyster egg1
#1228orange candy heart1
#472perpendicular hula1
#1154pink candy heart1
#2252puce polka-dot oyster egg1
#1644puce striped oyster egg1
#2536red plastic oyster egg1
#2205red polka-dot oyster egg1
#452rockin' wagon1
#493roll in the hay1
#644rum and cola1
#853salty dog1
#720shot of grapefruit schnapps1
#698shot of orange schnapps1
#746shot of tomato schnapps1
#546slap and tickle1
#425slip 'n' slide1
#970snifter of thoroughly aged brandy1
#696strawberry daiquiri1
#449thermos full of Knob coffee1
#464vodka martini1
#1160white candy heart1
#335yellow brick road1
#1378yellow candy heart1
#1797yellow paisley oyster egg1
#2816yellow plastic oyster egg1
#1327yellow polka-dot oyster egg1
#1636yellow striped oyster egg1

Wow, that's 91 items total!

what items are this player missing?