#898 | BGE shotglass | 6 |
#934 | Breathetasticâ„¢ Premium Canned Air | 3 |
#583 | CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1) | 2 |
#1014 | CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 2) | 1 |
#1055 | CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3) | 1 |
#1020 | CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4) | 1 |
#1009 | CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 5) | 1 |
#529 | CRIMBCO lanyard | 1 |
#851 | CRIMBCO mug | 11 |
#747 | CRIMBCO wine | 10 |
#792 | CRIMBCOIDS mints | 5 |
#384 | Crimbo pie | 5 |
#98 | Frosty's frosty mug | 19 |
#614 | Go-Wassail | 21 |
#136 | Hodgman's blanket | 10 |
#96 | Ol' Scratch's salad fork | 15 |
🥈 | The Spirit of Crimbo | 1 |
#1250 | Uncle Crimbo's Rations | 1 |
#876 | battered Crimbo Crate | 8 |
#924 | blob-shaped Crimbo cookie | 7 |
#570 | bowl of fishysoisse | 1 |
#321 | breaded beer | 2 |
#657 | brine | 27 |
#1891 | can of CRIMBCOLA | 2 |
#662 | circular CRIMBCOOKIE | 3 |
#92 | cranberry schnapps | 5 |
#392 | dire fudgesicle | 2 |
#143 | epic wad | 4 |
#135 | extra-greasy slider | 19 |
#217 | frigid fudgepuck | 18 |
#109 | frozen banquet | 18 |
#377 | fudge bunny | 1 |
#365 | fudge lily | 13 |
#666 | fudgecule | 658 |
#666 | ghost cucumber | 68 |
#479 | gloomy black mushroom | 6 |
#415 | guy made of bee pollen | 6 |
#1292 | herbal stuffing | 5 |
#1396 | irradiated candy cane | 4 |
#131 | jar of fermented pickle juice | 18 |
#405 | jar of squeeze | 2 |
#650 | jerky coins | 21 |
#80 | knight cookie | 1 |
#589 | mushroom fermenting solution | 12 |
#849 | orange and black Crimboween candy | 1 |
#317 | soy cordial | 2 |
#67 | spectral pickle | 369 |
#1103 | square CRIMBCOOKIE | 2 |
#183 | superheated fudge | 24 |
#220 | tin cup of mulligan stew | 5 |
#1101 | tofurkey gravy | 7 |
#1008 | tofurkey leg | 8 |
#1157 | triangular CRIMBCOOKIE | 2 |
#42 | voodoo snuff | 34 |
🥇 | wand of fudge control | 1 |