
#851anniversary gift box5
#680tattered scrap of paper2
#1797tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf4
#2117tiny plastic Axe Wound3
#3111tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth1
#3172tiny plastic Beelzebozo1
#2193tiny plastic Black Knight3
#3074tiny plastic Boss Bat1
#8176tiny plastic Cheshire bat1
#3119tiny plastic Felonia1
#3826tiny plastic G Imp1
#2160tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester3
#1457tiny plastic Hellion5
#3956tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter1
#1766tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl4
#1759tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist4
#2137tiny plastic Knott Yeti3
#1057tiny plastic Mob Penguin1
#3855tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy1
#3866tiny plastic Protagonist1
#2118tiny plastic Spam Witch3
#3885tiny plastic Spunky Princess1
#3056tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski1
#3057tiny plastic The Man1
#1468tiny plastic Trouser Snake5
#2153tiny plastic XXX pr0n3
#2621tiny plastic accordion thief2
#1731tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll1
#1508tiny plastic angry bugbear5
#8195tiny plastic angry goat1
#3933tiny plastic anime smiley1
#1456tiny plastic apathetic lizardman5
#2135tiny plastic astronomer3
#8241tiny plastic baby gravy fairy1
#8108tiny plastic barrrnacle1
#1449tiny plastic beanbat5
#4471tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar1
#8159tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball1
#1777tiny plastic blooper4
#2213tiny plastic brainsweeper3
#1753tiny plastic briefcase bat4
#991tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite1
#6228tiny plastic coffee pixie2
#2147tiny plastic cubist bull3
#1240tiny plastic demoninja6
#4490tiny plastic disco bandit1
#2155tiny plastic drunk goat3
#1018tiny plastic fat stack of cash1
#2756tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus2
#3906tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker1
#1209tiny plastic fruit golem6
#8078tiny plastic ghuol whelp1
#1429tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers5
#2785tiny plastic goth giant2
#8047tiny plastic grue1
#1716tiny plastic handsome mariachi4
#4593tiny plastic hermit1
#8113tiny plastic howling balloon monkey1
#8054tiny plastic killer bee1
#1739tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box4
#8086tiny plastic levitating potato1
#1757tiny plastic lobsterfrogman4
#580tiny plastic mutant elf2
#2798tiny plastic ninja snowman2
#8090tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime1
#4459tiny plastic sauceror1
#1778tiny plastic scary clown4
#4445tiny plastic seal clubber1
#1778tiny plastic senile lihc4
#2155tiny plastic smarmy pirate3
#3828tiny plastic spiny skelelton1
#8211tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton1
#2189tiny plastic spooky vampire3
#8147tiny plastic stab bat1
#8122tiny plastic star starfish1
#534tiny plastic strand of DNA2
#2142tiny plastic taco cat3
#1200tiny plastic topiary golem6
#4474tiny plastic turtle tamer1
#2189tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni3
#2121tiny plastic warwelf3
#1433tiny plastic whitesnake5
#2162tiny plastic zmobie3
#1052titanium assault umbrella1
what items are this player missing?