
#532Deactivated O. A. F.1
#438Mace of the Tortoise1
#135arse-a'fire elixir1
#122asbestos helmet turtle1
#883bar skin4
#122bar whip1
#73barskin buckler1
#110barskin cloak1
#367barskin hat1
#88barskin loincloth1
#89bat hat1
#77bat whip1
#142bottlecap turtle1
#230box turtle1
#93bubblewrap bottlecap turtleban1
#938bunch of bananas1
#80cardboard box turtle1
#109catskin buckler1
#83catskin cap1
#253chrome helmet turtle1
#817clown skin1
#115clown whip1
#185clown wig1
#238clownskin belt1
#111clownskin buckler1
#202clownskin harness1
#120cosmic lemonade1
#93demon buckler1
#463demon skin14
#97demon whip1
#134demon-horned hat1
#164demonskin jacket1
#158demonskin trousers1
#42frozen Mob Penguin104
#1363furry fur2
#64furry green earmuffs1
#195furry green turtle1
#86furry kilt1
#427furry pants1
#660gnauga hide2
#155gnauga hide buckler1
#149gnauga hide chaps1
#102gnauga hide vest1
#203gnauga hide whip1
#1255helmet turtle9
#134hippo skin buckler1
#161hippo whip1
#77hippopotamus kilt1
#125hippopotamus pants1
#355hippopotamus skin2
#147hipposkin poncho1
#1295jar of swamp gas1
#232knobby helmet turtle1
#66knobby kneepads1
#535leathery bat skin6
#645leathery cat skin4
#587leathery rat skin1
#114linoleum helmet turtle1
#118meat cowboy hat1
#95meaty helmet turtle1
#96nasty rat mask1
#150penguin shorts1
#766penguin skin22
#147penguin skin buckler1
#192penguin whip1
#90penguinskin mini-kilt1
#164powdered toad horn1
#86ratskin belt1
#45rattail whip2
#73reinforced furry underpants1
#441scorpion whip1
#68sebaceous shield1
#180sewer turtle1
#81stone turtle1
#98tail o' nine cats1
#142tighty whiteys1
#88turtle pheromones97
#1789turtle totem1
#183tuxedo shirt1
#935white snake skin2
#122white snakeskin duster1
#1246wolf mask1
#176yak anorak1
#280yak skin2
#80yak toupee1
#118yak whip1
#109yakskin buckler1
#80yakskin kilt1
#106yakskin pants1
#1135yeti fur17

Wow, that's 365 items total!

what items are this player missing?