#1436 | 1-ball | 1 |
#1149 | 1337 7r0uZ0RZ | 1 |
#1425 | 2-ball | 1 |
#1015 | 30669 scroll | 1 |
#1223 | 33398 scroll | 1 |
#932 | 334 scroll | 1 |
#1472 | 4-ball | 1 |
#921 | 7-Foot Dwarven mattock | 1 |
#1484 | 7-ball | 1 |
#2244 | 8-ball | 1 |
#625 | 9-ball | 1 |
#1457 | Amulet of Yendor | 1 |
#2096 | Angry Farmer candy | 1 |
#2465 | Colander of Em-er'il | 1 |
#4251 | Crown of the Goblin King | 1 |
#991 | Knob Goblin elite helm | 1 |
#997 | Knob Goblin elite pants | 1 |
#973 | Knob Goblin elite polearm | 1 |
#1207 | Knob Goblin firecracker | 1 |
#1007 | Knob Goblin harem pants | 1 |
#997 | Knob Goblin harem veil | 1 |
#1090 | Knob Goblin love potion | 1 |
#1045 | Knob Goblin pants | 1 |
#1057 | Knob Goblin scimitar | 1 |
#891 | Knob Goblin visor | 1 |
#1478 | abominable snowcone | 1 |
#1005 | acid-squirting flower | 1 |
#1006 | acoustic guitarrr | 1 |
#706 | all-purpose cleaner | 1 |
#116 | alpha-mail pants | 1 |
#1433 | amulet of extreme plot significance | 1 |
#656 | ancient Magi-Wipes | 1 |
#219 | ancient cursed foot locker | 1 |
#3680 | ancient unspeakable fruitcake | 1 |
#610 | ancient vinyl coin purse | 1 |
#227 | anniversary chutney sculpture | 1 |
#1081 | annoying pitchfork | 1 |
#1062 | anticheese | 1 |
#855 | arrrgyle socks | 1 |
#1106 | asbestos ore | 1 |
#1080 | asparagus knife | 1 |
#641 | asshat | 1 |
#1192 | astral mushroom | 1 |
#2064 | astronaut pants | 1 |
#106 | automatic catapult | 1 |
#1921 | awful poetry journal | 1 |
#2453 | baconstone | 1 |
#408 | baconstone pendant | 1 |
#7430 | badass belt | 1 |
#133 | badger badge | 1 |
#952 | bag of Cheat-Os | 1 |
#1883 | bag of airline peanuts | 1 |
#430 | balaclava | 1 |
#2043 | ball | 1 |
#305 | balloon helmet | 1 |
#1031 | balloon monkey | 1 |
#630 | ballroom blintz | 1 |
#218 | banjo strings | 1 |
#129 | basic meat pants | 1 |
#1173 | batgut | 1 |
#1007 | big red clown nose | 1 |
#876 | blue snowcone | 1 |
#1505 | bottle of whiskey | 1 |
#7459 | box of sunshine | 1 |
#532 | disbelief suspenders | 1 |
#1985 | fake fake vomit | 1 |
#378 | los chinos | 1 |