
🥇 Franken Stein1
#20A Guide to Safari1
🥈Abuela Crimbo's special magnet1
🥈All-Hallow's Steve's fright wig1
🥇Book of Old-Timey Carols1
🥈Crimbo smile1
🥇Crimbo training manual2
🥇Crimbuccaneer war standard1
#192Discount Telescope Warehouse gift certificate1
🥇Elf Guard war standard1
🥉Handsome Devil666
#870Instant Karma3
#524Order of the Silver Wossname1
#1599Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster2
#23Pigsticker of Violence1
🥇SalesCo sample kit1
🥇Time Bandit Badge of Courage1
🥇Toot Oriole care package1
#632anniversary gift box6
🥇bejazzled eyepatch1
#4121box of sunshine13
🥇cozy scarf1
#1480enchanted leopard-print barbell2
🥈glass eye1
🥇goo magnet1
🥇hand-knitted Crimbo socks1
🥇hand-knitted diving booties1
#5197handful of confetti1
#1679heart of the volcano1
🥇map to Dolph Bossin's hideout1
🥇overflowing gift basket1
🥇oxygenated eggnog helmet1
🥇peppermint harpoon gun1
🥇refurbished air fryer1
#1708sandwich of the gods2
🥇train whistle1

Wow, that's 734 items total!

what items are this player missing?