
#7creepy nursery rhyme170
#272dusty animal cranium1
#243dusty animal jawbone1
#87dusty animal skull1
#214dusty bottle of Marsala102
#164dusty bottle of Merlot152
#104dusty bottle of Muscat209
#102dusty bottle of Pinot Noir216
#123dusty bottle of Port201
#200dusty bottle of Zinfandel106
#289dusty eighth caudal vertebra1
#310dusty eighth thoracic vertebra1
#304dusty eleventh thoracic vertebra1
#186dusty fifth lumbar vertebra2
#291dusty fifth thoracic vertebra1
#300dusty first cervical vertebra1
#283dusty first lumbar vertebra1
#321dusty first thoracic vertebra1
#277dusty fourth caudal vertebra1
#302dusty fourth cervical vertebra1
#298dusty fourth thoracic vertebra1
#317dusty left clavicle1
#304dusty left femur1
#285dusty left fibula1
#304dusty left fifth rib1
#308dusty left ninth rib1
#294dusty left ulna1
#178dusty ninth caudal vertebra2
#304dusty right fifth rib1
#310dusty right first front claw1
#291dusty right second front claw1
#306dusty right thumb1
#196dusty sacral vertebrae2
#290dusty second caudal vertebra1
#287dusty third caudal vertebra1
#293dusty twelfth thoracic vertebra1
#34government per-diem22
#3981tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf1
#774tiny plastic Gary Claybender1
#457tiny plastic Jared the Duskwalker2
what items are this player missing?