
#89Thwaitgold bombardier beetle statuette12
#1166Thwaitgold dragonfly statuette2
#86Thwaitgold fire beetle statuette3
#1044Thwaitgold grasshopper statuette3
#52Thwaitgold keyhole spider statuette6
#188Thwaitgold listening bug statuette1
#290Thwaitgold nymph statuette3
#228Thwaitgold protozoa statuette1
#127Thwaitgold slug statuette41
#1153Thwaitgold woollybear statuette1
#38boxed gumball machine4
#18can of mixed everything9
#16depleted Crimbonium football helmet24
#18electric pants35
#21festive egg sac8
#69golden fleece7
#18peppermint-scented socks25
#40potato alarm clock7
#58self-repairing earmuffs6
#13the Crymbich Manuscript10
#12third ear47
#65tiny plastic Abuela Crimbo1
#61tiny plastic Café Elf1
#30tiny plastic Captain Kerkard2
#37tiny plastic Cheer Core1
#47tiny plastic Crimbo caroler1
#42tiny plastic Crimbo cheer1
#59tiny plastic Dolph Bossin1
#493tiny plastic Duke Starkiller2
#793tiny plastic Jared the Duskwalker1
#47tiny plastic Mer-kin baker1
#45tiny plastic Mirth1
#41tiny plastic Penny1
#3873tiny plastic Protagonist1
#3065tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski1
#38tiny plastic chem lab1
#8224tiny plastic coffee pixie1
#53tiny plastic dolphin "orphan"1
#38tiny plastic food lab1
#46tiny plastic multi-level marketer1
#39tiny plastic nog lab1
#57tiny plastic orphan1
#39tiny plastic primary lab1
#58tiny plastic reindeer1
#3895tiny plastic scary clown1
#46tiny plastic sea elf1
#8163tiny plastic stab bat1
#8142tiny plastic star starfish1
#55tiny plastic wild beaver1
#52tiny plastic yuleviathan1
#22yule hatchet33

Wow, that's 319 items total!

what items are this player missing?