Sir Bud

#932Better Than Cuddling Cake1
#5529box of sunshine5
#939chocolate-covered diamond-studded roses1
#432gob of wet hair24
#554right half of a heart necklace1
#1286roll of toilet paper24
#2794rubber WWJD? bracelet2
#2493spade necklace2
#3298spectre scepter2
#8937stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech1
#8973stuffed astral badger1
#8950stuffed baby gravy fairy1
#8831stuffed cocoabo1
#8922stuffed flaming gravy fairy1
#7820stuffed frozen gravy fairy2
#7876stuffed hand turkey2
#8910stuffed mind flayer1
#942stuffed ninja snowman3
#8943stuffed scary death orb1
#8957stuffed sleazy gravy fairy1
#8803stuffed snowy owl1
#7795stuffed spooky gravy fairy2
#8890stuffed undead elbow macaroni1

Wow, that's 91 items total!

what items are this player missing?