
#122433398 scroll1
#6827-Foot Dwarven mattock2
#1165Ent cider1
#2244Mob Penguin cellular phone1
#780Pine-Fresh air freshener1
#61Time Juice8
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#315abominable snowcone49
#1882anniversary gift box2
#435asbestos crossbow1
#172asbestos crossbow string1
#122asbestos helmet turtle1
#1106asbestos ore1
#387asbestos staff1
#172asbestos stick1
#478asbestos sword1
#177asbestos sword hilt1
#7427badass belt1
#725beer lens1
#315bloody beer46
#1132bottle of tequila3
#7456box of sunshine1
#5139easter egg balloon1
#462ice-cold Sir Schlitz215
#1388spectral pickle1

Wow, that's 345 items total!

what items are this player missing?