KoL Con 3-D Glasses

KoL Con 3-D Glasses

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This is a pair of glasses made out of cardboard frames and red-and-blue cellophane lenses. So, y'know, they're not really "glasses" at all. In addition to being incredibly stylish, they indicate that their owner attended the third semi-annual Kingdom of Loathing convention in that curious parallel dimension some call "the real world."

Thank you for coming!

The glasses don't indicate what kind of shenanigans their bearer got up to at Con 3-D, because what happens at Con stays in Vegas. Which is marginally inconvenient.


Everyone's a winner


Looks like everyone just has one of this item in their display case, so you can probably only get one per account. Nevertheless, well done them.
🥇ADeadHeart, Aeralis, Agent Lex, AlBassoon, Armak, Ashallond, AubriAnne, BoboMonkey, BoozerBear, Capricci, Dazz, DivideBy0, Doc Trauma, Eamon, Elfy, Fungo the mildly annoyIng, Fusilliban, Galen the First, GardenJai, Girmluhk, GoddessSixx, Grayson, Grimdel, GrokTheMad, Grunj, HOldeRofSecrEts, HotStuff, ILoveLlamas, JEDII, Jelloboi, Jezebelle, Jherskow, Jicken Wings, Jill_Bob, Jinya, Jonze, Kel_Thalas, LalalaLori, Lemon Pepper Seaweed, Lilac, Lillith, Lukifer, Lupychica, Lynore, MOTH, Mr Bill, Mr Magnifico, Mystical_Phloyd, Nameless1, Naners, NecronicSherbetKnight, Nekobawt, Nekosoft, NevilDenJacobi, NoodleBandit, P4UL, PSU Punk, PinkLady, Quaggie, Riff, Riki Kiki Taco, Rutabega, Sathen, ShiraNami, Sir Nighcrawler of wormhole, Sleynddyn, SonDEnise, Spappy, SpinneNetz, Spo, StINkytwinkie, Stargazer67, Tendai, TheBub, TheDarkOne, TheGreatYak, Timefounder, Tiny Plastic Jyxtrant, ToadSauce, Trillian, Turn and Cough, TurtleGirlPower, Umbra_Angelus, VikingGoddess, Vodkadian, Wank, Whispers, Wiggin, Wombatilim, Xlyinia, ailUrodRaGON, amplitude, darknexus, gamma_RAy, gargirl, glebs, inari, jotajota, killer zombie monkey, krodoc, little lisa, mick, ms_gwyn, neKO_CHan314, phyphor, polly chrome, proven, smck34, thechibiknight, unisus80, verticalx, wOrLDs_NumbER_1_granDpa and xxarMAGEddonxx1